Stephon Senegal

Stephon Senegal

Stephon Senegal brings a viewpoint to his work fortified in the duality of ritualism. It is vicious and voluptuous. The use of colour is playful bait into the weighty intent behind the golden bronze objects in his art. Like his photographs, the sculptures engage and bend organic form. His practice explores equine, human, canine and other animal structures; a reference to themes of vassalage and the tools used in the subjugation of one group by another. 


He moves effortlessly between a number of mediums; to include wood, steel, photography and video, to create a narrative that is visceral and tangible. The practice is further extended into public installations referencing those notions of subjugation and conflict using location choice as a decoding component. In the words of the artist: “Brutality and carnal impetus are fundamental drivers of intent and interaction…”.